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Deployment Ready

The RV Sikuliaq is on site at the Papa array.  Surrounded by the deck and instrument teams, and vessel crew, Jim Dunn gives a briefing on the deployment of the hybrid profiler mooring.  It is always important to make sure everyone understands the operation and their roles, to ensure a successful and safe deployment.

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Safety First

Shipboard safety is always a priority.  Early in the cruise all Papa personnel must go through the safety briefing and drills, including how to put on the immersion suit.  Here Dan Bogorff and the team try on their suits and discuss emergency scenarios with Capt. Diego and other members of RV Sikuliaq crew.

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Essential Equipment

Most people think about the instrumentation and the electronics on the OOI moorings.  But the moorings wouldn’t hold position for 12 months through stormy weather without these pieces of equipment!  These are the subsurface mooring 6000 lb mace anchors needed to keep everything in place.

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Heading to Seward

A team of 10 scientists and engineers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Washington are headed to Seward, Alaska to load the R/V Sikuliaq for the tenth turn of the Global Station Papa Array. This annual spring “turn” of the Array is no small undertaking. A successful turn requires months of equipment…

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