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OSNAP Moorings In

IRMINGER: The Overturning the in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) has a line of moorings on either side of the OOI array. Those moorings are being recovered and re-deployed with new instrumentation. One mooring has a subsurface sphere which needed to be cleaned prior to redeployment. Other moorings have glass balls to provide buoyancy…

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Light skies

The Irminger Sea Array is at ~60° N latitude, and we are just after the summer solstice. That means it doesn’t get very dark here. With overcast skies it can be hard to tell, but when the sun is out it can play havoc with your sense of time. These pictures are from 9:30 pm…

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Survival suits

All UNOLS (University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System) ships have safety briefings and drills with the science party to ensure that everyone is prepared for emergencies at sea.  This includes practicing donning immersion suits in the event that the team would have to abandon ship in the cold north Atlantic waters.  One should be able to get…

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Changing conditions

During our transit we are periodically stopping to conduct CTD casts in the Labrador Sea.  We use these casts to test components and instruments that we will be deploying on the moorings in the Irminger Sea.  We lower the CTD rosette to 3000 m depth to ensure components will work at that temperature and pressure,…

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