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Measuring waves

  The sun was shining and the waves rolling as the University of Washington Applied Physics Lab’s Waverider was deployed. The waverider measurements provide a better understanding of the impact of surface waves on the ocean mixed layer. The team is aboard the R/V Sikuliaq for the Station Papa 9 expedition.    

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NOAA deployment #2

OOI doesn’t have a surface mooring at Station Papa but NOAA does…A bird’s eye view as the team aboard the R/V Sikuliaq deployed NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab’s surface mooring, the second of NOAA’s deployments during Station Papa 9.  

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NOAA deployment #1

  Lots of cooperation/collaboration aboard the R/V Sikuliaq during Station Papa 9. NOAA’s Noise Reference Station was successfully deployed by the joint OOI/NOAA/UW cruise team. It is one of two deployments being done for NOAA.

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