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Hoses Galore Hold Moorings Together

A flexible connection between the buoy and the anchor of the Coastal Surface Moorings of the Pioneer MAB Array is created by multiple hoses with the capacity to stretch while maintaining an electrical connection (Fig 1). The stretch is necessary to account for wind, waves and currents that push and pull the buoy relative to…

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AUVs Launched

The first of two Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) were launched from the R/V Neil Armstrong this morning for a 20-hour transect. The second will be launched about four hours later. Both will travel with the confines of the Pioneer Array. The first will do a cross-shelf survey, the second will travel along the shelf.  The…

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Two More Gliders Deployed

Two versions of the Teledyne Gliders were deployed on April 5, 2024 at the Pioneer Array Mid-Atlantic Bight site.  While testing of both models has been successfully conducted, this is the first time the Teledyne G3 model will be sampling in the same location as the earlier model, Teledyne G2 model.  This dual deployment is…

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Third Surface Mooring Deployed

The rear deck of the R/V Neil Armstrong is feeling a little empty with the successful deployment of the third and final surface mooring.  This time it was the Southern Surface Mooring. The skies had cleared, the swell lessened, and many on the back deck saw a humpback whale breech as the mooring entered into…

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It’s a Wrap!

Wrapping up a successful cruise. The iconic Ravenel Bridge welcomes the R/V Neil Armstrong back to Charlestown to mark the end of a successful Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight cruise.  

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Mission Accomplished

Beautiful skies to mark the end of a successful cruise!  The OOI-CGSN team and the RV Neil Armstrong completed their transit into Charleston, SC and commenced offloading all the deployment equipment.  The boat following the Armstrong was for the harbor pilot, required for large ships entering Charleston Harbor. The boat came alongside as the Armstrong…

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It takes a team to do oceanography.  Here James Kuo prepares an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler for deployment, along with other team members from OOI-CGSN, WHOI Mooring Operations & Engineering, and the RV Neil Armstrong crew.

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Profiler Mooring Deployed

The Coastal Profiler Mooring was successfully deployed in 600m water depth at MAB.  The test deployment will verify the mooring and buoy design, as well as the operation of the profiling vehicle, in the MAB environment.

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ROV Control Station

ROV dive operations are controlled and monitored from a station in the ship’s lab. A darkened room provides better contrast for the monitors, which allow the pilot to view ROV operating information and seafloor conditions.

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ROV Dive Prep

CGSN Team Members Irene Duran (foreground) and James Kuo (background) prepare the OOI ROV for operations on the back deck of the Armstrong. The ROV camera and sonar are used to assess conditions on the sea floor prior to mooring deployments.

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