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Work Continues in Spite of Weather

Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/ WHOI; J2-1514; V23.

August 18th, 2023:  The attempt to dodge the weather fronts continues for the science team aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson.  With a break in the weather, Jason went into the water at 0936 for a naked dive (Dive J2-1524) to clean the digital still camera. There was a short loss of power. The team still had to wait for swells to decrease to turn the BEP and Zooplankton sonar at this site.

After two successful dives at Slope Base to deploy the Shallow Profiler science pod and turn the seafloor junction box, the team steamed back to the Oregon Shelf station with the hope of diving in a weather window.  But the sea state had increased, forcing the team to wait for better conditions and evaluate when the next dive could happen.  The delays have afforded the team an opportunity to appreciate the amazing growth that has occurred over the past year on recovered equipment.