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Safety First

Safety is always a key aspect of going to sea.  One of the first things we do is have a safety drill so that we understand what the different ship alarms mean, where we need to muster in the case of an emergency, and how to don and use our personal protective equipment.  Science party…

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Preparing the Test Mooring

At-Sea Test 4 cruise will include the first deployment of new Shallow Water Mooring (SWM) components. The mooring will be deployed for a few months to test the seabed multifunction node, buoyant stretch hose, riser cable, and Prawler profiling vehicle. Engineering data will be collected and assessed prior to deployment at the proposed Pioneer Mid-Atlantic…

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R/V Neil Armstrong


The R/V Neil Armstrong is a state-of-the-art oceangoing research vessel. The ship is 238 feet long, can sustain speeds of 10 knots, has a range of 11,500 nautical miles, and can remain at sea for up to 40 days. Named for the American hero whose “small step” provided humanity with a new perspective on our planet, this vessel carries on its namesake’s legacy of exploration.

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