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Five Coastal Profiler Moorings Tested

John Lund and Mike Robinson monitor the testing of the Pioneer MAB Coastal Profiler Moorings (CPMs).  The CPMs are assembled and then tested to verify all systems are operational and data is being sent to the OOI shore servers.  Five CPMs will be deployed at the new Pioneer MAB location in water depths ranging from…

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Getting Wind Ready

Mike McCarthy prepares wind turbines for mounting on the Pioneer MAB surface moorings. Two wind turbines along with four solar panels provide renewable power to the buoy, recharging internal batteries, for the long 6-7 month deployment.

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Coming Together!

Pioneer MAB array is coming together!  Northern and Southern Coastal Surface Moorings, along with seabed multi-function nodes and near-surface instrument frames, being assembled.  The team integrates the science instrumentation with the mechanical/power/telemetry/data systems, then tests the system before loading on the vessel.

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Bench Tests Continue

Sheri White and Nikki Arm prepare and bench test the new Imaging Flow CytoBot, also known as a Plankton Imaging System (PLIMS), that will be deployed on the Central Surface Mooring of the new Pioneer MAB array.  The PLIMS generates images of the particles in the local aquatic environment.  

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Pre-Deployment Testing

Pre-deployment testing of the Imaging Flow CytoBot (IFCB) to be deployed on the Central surface mooring of the Pioneer MAB Array. OOI team members Nikki Arm (left), Sheri White (center) and Sawyer Newman (right) lower the IFCB into the test well at the WHOI dock.

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R/V Neil Armstrong


The R/V Neil Armstrong is a state-of-the-art oceangoing research vessel. The ship is 238 feet long, can sustain speeds of 10 knots, has a range of 11,500 nautical miles, and can remain at sea for up to 40 days. Named for the American hero whose “small step” provided humanity with a new perspective on our planet, this vessel carries on its namesake’s legacy of exploration.

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