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Sometimes marine life hops aboard the moorings, making their way to the deck.  The Pioneer team does it best to return the marine life to its natural habitat as quickly as possible.  Examples of stowaways are a small Trigger fish gently held by Pioneer team member Irene Duran.  The fish got caught in the small …

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Profiler Mooring Recovery

Friday was a great day to be aboard the Armstrong. The weather cooperated and the team recovered the inshore profiler mooring. Shown here are some of its components in the order in which they were recovered:  Submersible surface buoy, subsurface flotation sphere, and wire-following profiler.  The latter is instrumented and moves up and down the…

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Two on Deck

The Pioneer Array 19 team marked Veteran’s Day with the successful recovery of the Coastal Inshore Surface Mooring.  Like glider 559, the mooring was initially hooked on the starboard side of the boat. Unlike the gliders, the large buoys are guided toward the back of the ship for recovery through the A-frame. From there, the…

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Glider Hooked

Pioneer Team member Jessica Kozik hooks glider 559 so it can be brought on board ship.  The “hook”,  or connection to the hauling line, is accomplished with a long pole and specially designed grappling hook that snaps open and quickly shut upon contact.

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Watching for Whales

Peter Duley is a marine mammal observer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  He joins many Pioneer expeditions to survey the waters for whales, dolphins,  and other marine mammals.  While he surveys the water with his “Big Eyes” binoculars, he also keeps track of birds and other creatures that may happen by.

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Entangled Fishing Gear

When the Pioneer 19 team recovered the Offshore Surface Mooring, it came with fishing gear entangled in the buoy tower. This is not an uncommon occurrence, but it can be detrimental to the mooring system. The fishing line sometimes gets wrapped around the wind turbines, which charge the batteries that power the instrumentation.  When this…

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Gumby Try-ON

As the R/V Neil Armstrong steamed toward its first site at the Pioneer Array, the crew took the science party through safety training to ensure that all participants were familiar with onboard safety equipment, including the “Gumby” immersion suit. The suit is awkward to put on and sometimes looks a bit comical, despite the serious…

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Empty Back Deck

The @R/V Neil Armstrong left the dock at Woods Hole, MA with an unusual empty deck.  Deck Lead Chris Basque joins Third Mate Mariah Kopec-Belliveau in the uncommonly spacious area. The Pioneer 19 Team will be recovering the Coastal Pioneer Array and will not be deploying new moorings.  The next time Pioneer will be deployed…

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Final Recovery

This expedition is not a typical one.  Rather than being loaded to the brim, the R/V Neil Armstrong will leave the dock with a fairly empty back deck. This open area will allow for the recovery of three surface moorings, five profiler moorings, four gliders, and an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle over the course of the…

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R/V Neil Armstrong


The R/V Neil Armstrong is a state-of-the-art oceangoing research vessel. The ship is 238 feet long, can sustain speeds of 10 knots, has a range of 11,500 nautical miles, and can remain at sea for up to 40 days. Named for the American hero whose “small step” provided humanity with a new perspective on our planet, this vessel carries on its namesake’s legacy of exploration.

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