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AUV Captured

  Once the first AUV had finished its 20-hour transect, it was time to get her back onboard. The Glider Team directed the AUV to surface close to the ship.  The AUV was visible with a blinking beacon. A team stood by at the starboard side of the deck with long poles with recovery hooks. …

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AUVs Launched

The first of two Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) were launched from the R/V Neil Armstrong this morning for a 20-hour transect. The second will be launched about four hours later. Both will travel with the confines of the Pioneer Array. The first will do a cross-shelf survey, the second will travel along the shelf.  The…

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Punting When the Sea Dictates

Today was our last work day on the first leg of Pioneer 17.  The recovery of the Inshore Surface Mooring was first on the agenda. Recovery starts when an acoustic command is sent from the ship causing the anchor to be released from the multi-function node (MFN), which houses it. Sometimes even though the release…

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