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On Way to Ship

On their way.  Here Kris Newhall, Jim Ryder, and Chris Basque, with support from WHOI Facilities, remove the Pioneer MAB Coastal Surface Moorings from their stands, tip and secure the buoy for transport to the WHOI dock.  The next step will be loading the buoys on the RV Neil Armstrong.

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Ready for Mobilization

Three Pioneer MAB Coastal Surface Moorings, along with their Near Surface Instrument Frame (NSIF) and Multi-Function Node (MFN) and risers, operating and collecting test data prior to mobilization on the RV Neil Armstrong.  The moorings operate for several days to test all systems, including data delivery to the OOI Cyberinfrastructure, prior to deployment.

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New Sensors Added

Meghan Donohue and Mike Robinson complete the build of a Multi-Function Node (MFN) prior to transportation to the WHOI dock for loading.  The MFN is the seabed instrument platform at all the Pioneer MAB Coastal Surface Mooring locations.  New additions to the MFN include turbidity and particle size sensors.

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Compass Calibration

Jennifer Batryn, Nikki Arm, Irene Duran, and Ellen Roosen perform a compass spin of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to be deployed on Pioneer MAB.   It is important to do the compass calibration prior to deployment to correct for the introduction of magnetic materials during setup.  

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Seabed Survey

The OOI-CGSN team surveyed the seabed to better understand the layout of the proposed moorings sites.  The RV Neil Armstrong operated a hull-mounted acoustic equipment to collect bathymetry (depth contours), backscatter imagery (seabed characterization), and subbottom data (seabed profile and geophysical layering).  Chris Basque, Irene Duran, and John Lund also piloted the ROV over the…

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Surface Mooring Recovery

It may seem calm at the surface, but there’s a lot of action below…The OOI-CGSN team used the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to inspect the Coastal Surface Mooring and the Multifunction Node (MFN) prior to recovery.  Chris Basque and John Lund then piloted the ROV over to the MFN and attached a hook and recovery…

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Sunrise at Sea

Chris Basque, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution deck lead, takes advantage of the calm seas and bright sunrise to survey the work area and plan the recovery of the test Coastal Surface Mooring located at the proposed Pioneer MAB Array site.

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As Seen from Below

Everything looks good! The Remotely Operated Vehicle was deployed by the OOI-CGSN team to inspect the underwater components of the Shallow Water Mooring after deployment. The ROV captured images of the Multifunction Node sitting on the seabed (1), the mechanical bend restrictors on the riser (2), and an image of the Prawler profiling vehicle moving…

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Armstrong on the Way

The OOI-Coastal and Global Scale Node (CGSN) team will deploy the Shallow Water Mooring south of Martha’s Vineyard enroute to the proposed Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) location.  Once at Pioneer MAB, they will recover the test Coastal Surface Mooring after 8 months collecting engineering data.  They will also perform surveys and ROV inspections of potential…

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