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Weather Dictates Pause

Weather dictates pause in operations. The OOI team aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong are in Prince Christian Sound to avoid severe conditions at the array site.  The weather forecast called for 70 knot wind gusts and 30 foot waves at the work site.  It’s anticipated that the vessel may be able to return to work…

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Vessel is on its Way

Pedal to the metal!  The R/V Neil Armstrong departed Reykjavik, Iceland Aug. 28th and is enroute to the Irminger Array off Greenland as fast as possible to start glider and mooring operations ahead of storms that are closing in….

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Ready to Go

Everything is loaded and the team is ready to go.  The Global Surface Mooring, the largest Irminger Mooring, is placed beneath the a-frame ready for deployment.  Chris Basque, John Jordan, Mackenzie Stuart prepare deck equipment and complete the final connections of all the riser components.  The riser connects the buoy to the anchor, but also…

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Buoy Assembly

It can be a tight fit.  Before loading, the Global Surface Buoy must be assembled, and instruments mounted and cabled.  Here Mackenzie Stuart prepares to place the buoy well and tower into the buoyancy foam.  Once that is done, James Kuo and Chris Basque get to work mounting the instruments and running the power and…

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Armstrong Arrives!

The R/V Neil Armstrong has arrived in Reykjavik! The team has started loading all the Irminger materials onto the vessel. Once onboard, the team will perform final assembly of the moorings and make ready for departure.

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Getting Gliders Ready

Once the mooring build is complete, the mobilization team can focus on the mobile assets.  Three gliders are planned for deployment at the Irminger Array and satellite and acoustic communications must be tested prior to mobilizing on the research vessel.  The vehicles are placed outside and in proximity to the subsurface moorings to verify sending…

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Build in Reykjavik

The Irminger cruise team continues to make progress building the moorings in Reykjavik, Iceland. The mooring systems are integrated and then “burned in.” This is a test period for the power, data, telemetry, and instrument systems to ensure everything is operational prior to loading the vessel. Above James Kuo and Irene Duran verify the operation…

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Mobilization Started

The Irminger mobilization has begun!  The team is in Reykjavik, Iceland building and testing the Irminger Array Global Surface Mooring, Hybrid Profiler Mooring, and Flanking Moorings.  John Lund, the cruise Chief Scientist, and his team are assembling the Global Surface Mooring buoy well and tower.  The well houses the power, data collection, and telemetry systems…

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Las Actividades de Diverción

Las tardes requieren que tengas algo para entretenerte. Algunas personas trajeron sus Nintendo Switch y compartieron con todos. Depues de cenar, jugábamos Super Smash Bros Ultimate y Mario Kart en el salón. Otros trajeron juegos como Settlers of Catan, Exploding Kittens y cartas. Si quires relajarte solo, puedes ir a tú recamara y leer un…

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Into Reykjavik, Iceland

After a successful cruise and 27 days at sea, the Irminger 9 expedition pulled into Reykjavik, Iceland.  Although it was a great cruise, the team was happy to be headed home.  Our gear was off-loaded and the ship was prepared for the next cruise – another OSNAP expedition in the Irminger Sea area. The pilot…

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