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R/V Thomas G. Thompson

The R/V Thomas G. Thompson is operated by the University of Washington as part of the US academic research fleet, within the UNOLS framework (University National Oceanographic Laboratories System). The Thompson is 274 ft in length, 52.5 ft. beam, and at full load has a 19-foot draft. It had a complete mid-life overhaul at the end of 2017,…

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R/V Sikuliaq

The 261-foot R/V Sikuliaq is one of the most advanced university research vessels in the world, capable of breaking ice up to 2.5 feet thick.

Pronounced [see-KOO-lee-auk], the vessel is owned by the National Science Foundation and operated by the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, as part of the U.S. academic research fleet.

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R/V Neil Armstrong


The R/V Neil Armstrong is a state-of-the-art oceangoing research vessel. The ship is 238 feet long, can sustain speeds of 10 knots, has a range of 11,500 nautical miles, and can remain at sea for up to 40 days. Named for the American hero whose “small step” provided humanity with a new perspective on our planet, this vessel carries on its namesake’s legacy of exploration.

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