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6th Annual Entrepreneur’s Forum

"Falmouth Heights" Don Fleet Fleetwood Photography - Instagram is Fleetwood Photography

Theme: A Rising Tide - Organizing for Success

Date: August 26, 2020 1:00pm-5:30pm

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Virtual Meeting


The marine robotics industry is maturing, and its continued success increasingly depends on organizing to create the conditions for future growth. This meeting of marine robotics entrepreneurs will improve your awareness of opportunities and technological trends while you contribute to a shared vision for the future. Emerging industries such as offshore wind, naval autonomy, and aquaculture are creating market opportunities for your companies. Increasing demand brings challenges into sharp focus. Customers are demanding that we bring innovative, interoperable systems to market faster and simultaneously improve reliability. Workforce issues remain a challenge, but many companies are proving that the dynamic environment in our industry is attracting top talent. While the challenges are daunting, the potential for growth is attracting investment from states, the federal government, non-profits and the private sector. The world depends on the responsible use of the ocean. Marine autonomy is making that possible. Please join us as we help you develop the tools for success of your companies and our shared industry.



1:00pm – 1:10pm Welcome and Introduction: A Rising Tide Floats All Robots

  •  Jim Bellingham, Director, WHOI Consortium for Marine Robotics
1:10pm – 1:30pm Keynote Speaker - RADM Lorin Selby, Chief of Naval Research, US Navy

Watch Intro/Keynote

1:30pm – 2:15pm Session 1: From Lab to Start Up

Watch Session 1

2:15pm – 3:00pm Company Flash Talks - Group 1
Rapporteur: Leslie-Ann McGee, Assistant Director, CMR

Watch Session 1 Flash Talks

3:00pm – 3:10pm Break
3:10pm – 3:50pm Company Flash Talks - Group 2
Rapporteur: Leslie-Ann McGee, Assistant Director, CMR

Watch Session 2 Flash Talks

3:50pm – 4:40pm Session 2: Industry Ecosystem

Watch Session 2

4:40pm – 4:45pm

4:45pm – 5:30pm








Break (Opportunity to Grab a Beverage of Your Choice)

Company Flash Talks – Group 3
Rapporteur: Leslie-Ann McGee, Assistant Director, CMR

Watch Session 3 Flash Talks

Closing Remarks - Jim Bellingham

Watch FULL Forum

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Rear Adm. Lorin Selby, Chief of Naval Research, United States Navy

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Rear Adm. Lorin Selby, Chief of Naval Research, United States Navy