Coastal Groundwater Geochemistry Skip to content

Welcome to the Coastal Groundwater Geochemistry lab

Located within the Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, our main research goal is to better understand the impact of submarine groundwater discharge on chemical cycles in coastal ocean systems. Specifically, we are interested in the chemical cycles of naturally occurring radioisotopes (e.g. radium, radon), trace metals (e.g. barium, uranium), and nutrients (e.g. nitrate, phosphate). We accomplish this goal using a variety of field and laboratory techniques. A typical field program might involve a research cruise in the coastal ocean (Gulf of Maine) or land based sampling of groundwater beneath a sandy beach (Waquoit Bay).

To read more about our current and past projects click on the research section. We work closely with a wide range of collaborators from hydrologists to geophysicists.

If you are interested in working with us, there are a variety of educational programs through which this can be achieved. Please visit the Group Member page for more information.

A special thank you to our funding agencies: