2005 Expedition
Despite an unexpected week-long critical ship repair, the summer 2005 cruise was a great success. Chief Scientist Sarah Zimmermann and lead IOS technician Doug Sieberg headed the hydrography effort. The WHOI mooring team redeployed three deep-water Beaufort Gyre Observing System (BGOS) moorings and added a fourth. The 4 mooring systems form the core of the Beaufort Gyre Observing System (BGOS), which will continue to be maintained on a yearly basis at least until 2008. Two new ice-tethered profilers were deployed on thick ice floes. In addition, a mooring was deployed on the Beaufort shelf edge as an extension of WHOI Investigator Bob Pickart's array of instruments from the Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) project. For more information on the SBI mooring field work (2002-2004), visit the Edge of the Arctic Shelf website. Photographer/writer Chris Linder posted the 2005 dispatches. Click here to read the cruise report.