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Funding Agencies

This program has been supported by seven basic projects:

  • 2020-2024: “AON Collaborative Research: Continuation of long-term Beaufort Gyre observations in 2020-2024 to enhance understanding of the Arctic's role in climate variability”, supported by NSF;
  • 2019-2020: “AON: Continuation of Long-term Observations of the Beaufort Gyre Environmental Changes in 2019-2020 to Enhance Understanding of the Arctic's Impact on Climate Variability”, supported by NSF;
  • 2014-2019: “AON: Continuing the Beaufort Gyre Observing System to Document and Enhance Understanding of the Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Reservoir Transformations and Fate", supported by NSF;
  • 2009-2014: "AON: Continuing the Beaufort Gyre Observing System to Document and Enhance Understanding Environmental Change in the Arctic", supported by NSF;
  • 2005-2009: "The Beaufort Gyre System: Flywheel of the Arctic Climate?", supported by NSF;
  • 2004: "Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Observing System", supported by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution;
  • 2003-2004: "Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Experiment: Study of fresh water accumulation and release mechanism and a role of fresh water in Arctic climate variability" supported by NSF.