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Dispatch 5: Steaming along

Ashley Arroyo (Yale University)

September 3, 2024
21:10 UTC, 74.06°N 133.36°W


  • Mostly sunny
  • 0% sea ice cover
  • 1°C
  • Sunrise: 02-Sep-2024 06:45:06 -06
  • Sunset: 02-Sep-2024 23:03:47 -06
  • Day length: 16hour 18min 41sec

As we continue to steam north (at a speed of ~12 knots), we have been completing about 2-3 CTD rosette casts per day, each accompanied by water sampling and bongo nets (see previous dispatch for more information here). The entire process usually takes about 3-4 hours. Today, we had CTD casts beginning around 8am and 6pm (CB-51 and CB-40, respectively). Since there were several hours between each cast, the science crew had plenty of time to catch up on tasks.

Co-chief scientist Paul Macoun and technician Seth Fleming-Alho spent our transit time setting up the communication network for the electromagnetic sensor system, which measures sea ice thickness underway (led by Kazu Tateyama from Kitami Institute of Technology (KITMAI)- see previous dispatch here to learn more). To set up the network, Paul and Seth ran a ~300 ft cable from the ice specialist’s office (on the highest level next to the bridge), all the way down to the deck. Since we are still in open water, the instrument will not be officially set up for another couple days, but the communication server is ready for it to be hooked up so it can begin transmitting data.

In the meantime, other members of the science team were busy catching up on analyzing samples, organizing data, and transferring paper logs into digital files. We are now steaming ahead northwest to station CB-18!

Most recent sea ice concentration map (9/1/2024-Source:
Most recent sea ice concentration map (9/1/2024-Source:
Map showing our current location.
Map showing our current location.
Sunrise on the starboard side (Photo by Jennifer Kosty)
Sunrise on the starboard side (Photo by Jennifer Kosty)
Seth helping out with the bongo nets (Photo by Mackenzie Mueller)
Seth helping out with the bongo nets (Photo by Mackenzie Mueller)
Paige and Ashley filtering chlorophyll in the green room.
Paige and Ashley filtering chlorophyll in the green room.
Ashley filtering chlorophyll.
Ashley filtering chlorophyll.