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ARTOA float tracking software

For access to code or documentation listed below, please email or

July 2019 Update

The ARTOA tracking code is being substantially re-written by researchers at WHOI and AWI in Bremerhaven, Germany.  Code will be streamlined, brought up to date with current Matlab standards, and will include new functionalities.  Documentation will be updated to match code upgrades.  Please stand by....  July 2019, H. Furey.

RAFOS Tracking Technical Report, 2005.

RAFOS float data processing prior to Iridium data delivery and formatting. Details how ARTOA software is used to track floats.

Wooding, C., H. Furey, and M. Pacheco, 2005.  RAFOS Float Processing at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.   Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rep., WHOI-2005-02, 35 pp.

ARTOA Updates

RAFOS float data processing updates, pre-Iridium.

Furey, H., 2005.  RAFOS Float Processing at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Addendum.

ARTOA Software Installation Guide

Requires MATLAB and MATLAB Spline Toolbox, Version 7 or higher.

Furey, H., 2005.  ARTOA3 Installation Instructions.

ARTOA3 Software

ARTOA3: hex to decimal processing is pre-Iridium, tracking works on RFB files.

Iridium format to RFB input format

Email for Iridium front end software.

R/V Pelagia, Summer 2017, a RAFOS float being prepared for launch. This float, deployed as part of the Overturning of the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP), was launched over the eastern flank of the Reykjanes Ridge to follow the Iceland Scotland Overflow Water, an abyssal current flowing from the Iceland-Faroes Ridge towards the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone.