In response to urging from the climate modeling community, atmospheric research centers are now regularly producing consistent, global analysis of atmospheric fields spanning back in time over several decades. This technological feat is achieved by employing a frozen, state-of-the-art global data assimilation system and an atmospheric general circulation model to produce as consistent as possible a set of atmospheric fields. The resulting "reanalysis products" are highly suitable for use in a variety of climate modeling applications and in particular those directed towards understanding interannual and decadal climate variability, such as AOMIP.
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis
The National Centers for Environmental Protection (NCEP) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) carry out atmospheric reanalysis projects.
Their first notable product, NCEP/NCAR-40, produced a 40 year record (1957-1996) of global analyses of atmospheric fields (Kalnay et al., 1996). Recently, that reanalysis product has been extended, NCEP/NCAR-50, resulting in a record that now spans more than 50 years (1948-Present) (Kistler et al., 2001).
The NCEP/NCAR-50 reanalysis product is available in NetCDF format from a data server at the Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC), an affiliate laboratory of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Modeling groups participating in the AOMIP 50-Year Experiment will use only the NetCDF data originating the AOMIP web site that has been copied from the CDC archive. This is to ensure that each AOMIP modeling group is using identical atmospheric forcing. The NCEP/NCAR-50 data is available from other data centers and in other formats, (e.g., the more cumbersome GRIB format from a data archive at NCAR) but, again for consistency of intercomparison in AOMIP, only the NetCDF data set on the AOMIP website will be employed.
ECMWF Reanalysis
The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) also carries out atmospheric reanalysis projects.
The first major project was ERA-15 and covered a 15 year period (1979-1993). The reanalysis product from the ERA-15 project is available to UCAR affiliate institutions through a data server at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Currently a 40 year reanalysis project, ERA-40, covering the period 1957-2001 is occurring. The completed reanalysis product will likely be available in Fall, 2002.
The ECMWF reanalysis products will not be used in the AOMIP 50-Year experiment. As noted above, the AOMIP 50-Year Experiment will utilize the NCEP/NCAR-50 reanalysis product to simulate the Arctic Ocean during the period 1948-Present. However, later stages of the AOMIP project may involve use of the ECMWF data.
OMIP Forcing
As a forcing data set for OMIP, the Max Plank Institute for Meteorology (MPI) has created an annual atmospheric climatology from the ERA-15 reanalysis product. The climatology has typical daily fluctuations imposed upon it using Gaussian filtering. There are 13 forcing fields in the OMIP Forcing data:
Forcing Fields |
Zonal Wind Stress (east/west) |
Meridional Wind Stress (north/south) |
Scalar Wind |
Daily Std. Dev. Scalar Wind |
Air Temperature (2 m) |
Dewpoint Temperature (2 m) |
Sea-Surface Temperature |
Total Shortwave Radiation |
Net Shortwave Radiation |
Total Cloud Cover |
Precipitation |
Evaporation |
River Runoff |
he data is available in this electronic format:
- ASCII (as separate ~ 0.1 GB files for each forcing field) from the OMIP website
Basic details about the ASCII data are found in descriptive text at the OMIP website, and are useful for understanding general aspects of the OMIP Forcing. There are currently no plans for use of the OMIP forcing in the AOMIP project. However, later stages of the AOMIP project may involve use of the OMIP data.
OMIP ASCII data descriptive text
The tar-files contain 12 files each: one file for one month.
Each of these files contains 30 days of data.
The filenames are composed of the parameter name (see the list below)
and the month (01 for January, ..., 12 for December).
There are no missing values in the data.
Reading routine for one file containing data for one month:
C 320 longitudes
C 160 latitudes
C 30 days per month
dimension field(nxatm,nyatm),ifield(nxatm)
2 form='formatted',access='sequential')
C---> signif is dependent on the format
signif=10**4 [ or 10**5 or 10**6 ]
999 format(20I4) [ or 16I5 or 12I6, see list below]
do nd=1,ndays
do j=1,nyatm
read(iunit,999) (ifield(i),i=1,nxatm)
do i=1,nxatm
field(i,j) = fac*float(ifield(i))/signif + add
parameter add fac format unit
2m dewpoint temperature 190. 120. 20I4 K
2m temperature 190. 130. 20I4 K
zonal stress (east/west) -4.3 8.6 12I6 Pa
evaporation -2.8E-7 3.2E-7 16I5 m/s
net short wave solar radiation 0. 410. 16I5 W/m^2
meridional stress (north/south) -3.3 6.0 12I6 Pa
runoff 0. 1.7E-5 12I6 m/s
scalar wind 0. 27. 16I5 m/s
sea surface temperature 180. 165. 20I4 K
daily scalar wind (1) 0. 20. 16I5 m/s
total cloud cover 0. 1.1 20I4 (0-1)
total precipitation (2) -4.1E-7 2.8E-6 12I6 m/s
total short wave solar radiation 0. 910. 16I5 W/m^2
land sea mask 0. 1. 80I1 1:sea/0:land
(1) Daily standard deviation of scalar wind (two values per day).
(2) Negative precipitation due to inconsistencies in the use of GRIB.
The horizontal grid is described using the syntax of a GrADS control file:
* Longitudes are specified by a linear relationship:
* starting increment(=360/320)
* longitude
* --------- -------------------
XDEF 320 LINEAR 0.0 1.125000
* All latitudes are specified starting at the South Pole:
-89.1415 -88.0294 -86.9108 -85.7906 -84.6699 -83.5489 -82.4278 -81.3066
-80.1853 -79.0640 -77.9426 -76.8212 -75.6998 -74.5784 -73.4570 -72.3356
-71.2141 -70.0927 -68.9712 -67.8498 -66.7283 -65.6069 -64.4854 -63.3639
-62.2425 -61.1210 -59.9995 -58.8780 -57.7566 -56.6351 -55.5136 -54.3921
-53.2707 -52.1492 -51.0277 -49.9062 -48.7847 -47.6632 -46.5418 -45.4203
-44.2988 -43.1773 -42.0558 -40.9343 -39.8129 -38.6914 -37.5699 -36.4484
-35.3269 -34.2054 -33.0839 -31.9624 -30.8410 -29.7195 -28.5980 -27.4765
-26.3550 -25.2335 -24.1120 -22.9905 -21.8690 -20.7476 -19.6261 -18.5046
-17.3831 -16.2616 -15.1401 -14.0186 -12.8971 -11.7756 -10.6542 -9.5327
-8.4112 -7.2897 -6.1682 -5.0467 -3.9252 -2.8037 -1.6822 -0.5607
0.5607 1.6822 2.8037 3.9252 5.0467 6.1682 7.2897 8.4112
9.5327 10.6542 11.7756 12.8971 14.0186 15.1401 16.2616 17.3831
18.5046 19.6261 20.7476 21.8690 22.9905 24.1120 25.2335 26.3550
27.4765 28.5980 29.7195 30.8410 31.9624 33.0839 34.2054 35.3269
36.4484 37.5699 38.6914 39.8129 40.9343 42.0558 43.1773 44.2988
45.4203 46.5418 47.6632 48.7847 49.9062 51.0277 52.1492 53.2707
54.3921 55.5136 56.6351 57.7566 58.8780 59.9995 61.1210 62.2425
63.3639 64.4854 65.6069 66.7283 67.8498 68.9712 70.0927 71.2141
72.3356 73.4570 74.5784 75.6998 76.8212 77.9426 79.0640 80.1853
81.3066 82.4278 83.5489 84.6699 85.7906 86.9108 88.0294 89.1415