Validation Data – WSC Moorings – Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project Skip to content

Validation Data - WSC Moorings

A Fram Strait section, with a focus on the West Spitsbergen Current, has been covered with a varying number of moorings continuously since September 1997 in the framework of the EU projects VEINS (Variability of exchanges in the Northern Seas) and ASOF - N (Arctic Subarctic Ocean Fluxes - North):

  • 1997 - 1999 : 14 moorings,
  • 1999 - 2000 : 11 moorings,
  • 2000 - 2002 : 14 moorings,
  • 2002 - 2004 : ASOF - 17 moorings.

The water column was covered from 10 m above the seabed to about 50 m below the surface. The observations extend from the eastern Greenland shelf break (6°51’W) to the western shelf break of Spitsbergen (8°40’E) at the latitude 78°50’N (in 1997-2002 with a shift of the moorings west of 000°E to the latitude 79°N.

A dataset is available comprised of monthly means of temperature and cross-section current (i.e., northward component) at 78°50'N :

  1. averaged between 5°E and 8°40'E (the total width of the WSC included) within the Atlantic Water layer defined as:
    • layer 0-700 m (Mean_T_VC_5degE_700m.dat)
    • water with T > 1°C (Mean_T_VC_5degE_1degC.dat)
    • water with T >-0.1°C (Mean_T_VC_5degE_-0.1degC.dat)
  2. averaged between 7°E and 8°40'E (the main core of the WSC included) within the Atlantic Water layer defined as:
    • layer 0-700 m (Mean_T_VC_7degE_700m.dat)
    • water with T >1°C (Mean_T_VC_7degE_1degC.dat)
    • water with T >-0.1°C (Mean_T_VC_7degE_-0.1degC.dat)

The data format is:

  • Columns 1-3: year month day (day is not correct because data are centered in the midmonth)
  • Column 4: mean temperature [°C]
  • Column 5: mean current [cm/s]

Some plots with time series of monthly means (solid lines), and one year running average (dashed lines):

  • Mean_T_5degE
  • Mean_T_7degE
  • Mean_VC_5degE
  • Mean_VC_7degE

This data is kindly provided by Agnieszka Beszczynska of the AWI. Technical questions concerning use of the data can be addressed to Permission to use the data in publications should be arranged through contact with the data provider.

Fram Strait section.
The water column was covered from 10 m above the seabed to about 50 m below the surface. The observations extend from the eastern Greenland shelf break (6°51’W) to the western shelf break of Spitsbergen (8°40’E) at the latitude 78°50’N (in 1997-2002 with a shift of the moorings west of 000°E to the latitude 79°N).
Mean Temperature
Mean Temperature
Mean Temp
Mean Temp
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