ITP 104 Overview and Deployment
Deployment Location: 10/3/2018, 00:00 UTC at 80° 31.9’ N, 136° 39.0’ W
Recovery Location: 9/16/2020, 20:00 UTC at 72° 55.0’ N, 130° 38.7’ W
Duration: 714 days
Distance Travelled: 4145 km
Number of profiles: 6225 in 328 days
Other instruments: SODA Cluster 2
ITP104 was deployed on a 1.5 m thick ice floe in the Beaufort Sea on October 3, 2018 as part of the Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic (SODA) project from the USCGC Healy. On the same icefloe, a Naval Postgraduate School Arctic Ocean Flux Buoy (AOFB), and ice mass balance buoy were also installed. The ITP included a second generation prototype MAVS current sensor operating on a pattern profiling schedule including 2 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth each day and SBE-37 microcats fixed at 5m and 6 m depths.
In 2020, ITP 104 surface package was recovered during the JOIS 2020 cruise.