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ITP 17 Deployment Operations

The last ITP deployment of the cruise (and last of all buoys in 2007) was performed without helicopter support, except for evacuation at the end. Just after midnight (UTC) the profiler was loaded with the schedule, the gear and the deployment party were loaded over the side onto the ice, the ITP deployed and tested by 3 AM, and the party retrieved.

Looking back at the Akademik Fedorov after being lowered onto the ice to choose the deployment site. (Photo by John Kemp)
On the ice with ITP, deployment apparatus and several ice drift beacons. (Photo by John Kemp)
Sergey Unovidov, Brian Hogue, Anatoly Kleyn, and Sergey Lesenkov examine the icefloe to select the ITP deployment site. (Photo by John Kemp)
Suspended from the tripod, the profiler for ITP 17 is interogated through the surface package to verify the integrity of the inductive modem circuit. (Photo by John Kemp)
Later, on board the Federov, the deployment apparatus is removed from the helicopter. (Photo by John Kemp)
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