ITP 80 Overview
Deployment Location: 8/12/2014, 22:22 UTC at 77° 24.2 N, 146° 10.3 W
Last Location: 5/24/2015, 0:00 UTC at 75° 40.4’ N, 151° 50.2’ W
Duration: 284 days
Distance Travelled: 2557 km
Number of profiles: 3260 in 284 days
Other instruments: MIZ-E array
ITP80 was deployed on a 2.6 m thick icefloe in the Beaufort Sea on August 12, 2014 from the Korean Research vessel Araon as part of the ONR Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) program. On the same icefloe, a Naval Postgraduate School Arctic Ocean Flux Buoy (AOFB) was deployed. The ITP included a second-generation prototype MAVS current sensor operating on a pattern profiling schedule including 2 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth each day and a SBE-37 microcat fixed at 6 m depth.