ITP 115 Overview
Deployment Location: 10/21/2021, 5:41 UTC at 76° 7.6’ N, 143° 11.8’ W
Last Location:
Duration: days
Distance Travelled: km
Number of profiles: 805 in 90 days
Other instruments: none
ITP115 was deployed in open water in the Beaufort Sea on October 21, 2021 as part of the Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic (SODA) project from the R/V Sikuliaq. The ITP included a second generation prototype MAVS current sensor operating on a pattern profiling schedule including 2 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth every 2 days and SBE-37 microcats fixed at 5m and 6 m depths.

ITP 115 tilted over by the ice one day after deployment during SODA 2021. (Photo by Kayleigh Griffen)