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ITP 111 Overview

Deployment Location: 10/5/2019, 18:42 UTC at 85° 1.8’ N, 132° 44.5’ E

Recovery Location: 8/6/2020, 13:00 UTC at 78° 20.8’ N, 7° 17.3’ W

Duration: 306 days

Distance Travelled: 3334 km

Number of profiles: 606 in 304 days

Other instruments: MOSAiC L1 Cluster

ITP111 was deployed on a 2.8 m thick ice floe in the Transpolar Drift on October 5, 2019 in collaboration with the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition from the Russian Research Vessel Federov. On the same icefloe, a Naval Postgraduate School Arctic Ocean Flux Buoy (AOFB), a Seasonal ice mass balance buoy, a Meteorological sled, Spectral radiometer and AWI snow buoy were also installed. The ITP operated on a standard sampling schedule of 2 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth each day.

The following August 2020, ITP 111 was completely recovered floating in the marginal ice zone of the East Greenland Current from the R/V Polarstern during the recovery leg of the MOSAiC expedition.  The profiler was covered in mud so had dragged on the shelf.


Data Processing

Final Data

ITP 111 deployment complete. (Photo by Andy Davies)
ITP 111 deployment complete. (Photo by Andy Davies)
On January 6, 2020 a survey of the MOSAiC L-sites was performed and ITP 111 was firmly intact on the icefloe.  (Photo by Ben Rabe).
On January 6, 2020 a survey of the MOSAiC L-sites was performed and ITP 111 was firmly intact on the icefloe. (Photo by Ben Rabe).
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