ITP 15 Overview
Deployment Location: 9/11/2007, 00:00 UTC at 86° 39’N, 177° 19’E
Last Location: 8/14/2010, 13:58 UTC at 72° 12.9’ N, 72° 33.2’ W
Duration: 1068 days
Distance Traveled: 2995 km
Number of profiles: 1305 in 433 days
Other instruments: Ice Beacon (Meteorological)
ITP15 was deployed on a 2.5-3.0 m thick icefloe in the Transpolar Drift from the German icebreaker "Polarstern" as part of the European Union DAMOCLES Program. The ITP operated on a rapid sampling schedule of 3 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth each day, even while the surface buoy was pushed beneath the ice after the first two months of drift. Over 2.5 years later the surface package (with tether but not profiler) resurfaced south of Nares Strait and was retrieved by the CCGS Des Groseilliers. Upon surfacing, data from an additional 1140 profile attempts buffered in the surface package were transmitted, including when the profiler fatally dragged over shallow bathymetry north of Nares Strait.