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ITP 114 Deployment

ITP-V 114 was deployed during the second ice station of the USCGC Healy's HLY1902 cruise. Ice draft was about 0.8m. This station was significantly shorter than the first one a couple days earlier as only a WHOI acoustic modem buoy was deployed in addition to the ITP-V. The ITP system was installed in record time as folks had selected and mastered specific tasks of the multi-staged deployment during the first deployment just a short while ago. An Artic Drifter (SVP) was placed on the ice as the last step before departing.

Data Processing

Final Data

Auguring the 24” hole for ITP-V deployment. (Photo by Frank Bahr)
Auguring the 24” hole for ITP-V deployment. (Photo by Frank Bahr)
John Kemp attaches clamp to profiler on the wire. (Photo by ENS Layman)
John Kemp attaches clamp to profiler on the wire. (Photo by ENS Layman)
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