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ITP 79 Overview

Deployment Location: 3/19/2014, 23:00 UTC at 75° 24.2 N, 137° 11.1 W

Recovery Location: 9/30/2014, 23:30 UTC at 75° 2.6’ N, 148° 28.2’ W

Duration: 195 days

Distance Travelled: 2226 km

Number of profiles: 1694 in 192 days

Other instruments: MIZ-D array

ITP79 was deployed on a 1.6 m thick icefloe in the Beaufort Sea on March 19, 2014 as part of the ONR Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) program. The ITP includes a second generation prototype MAVS current sensor operating on a pattern profiling schedule including 2 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth each day and SBE-37 microcat fixed at 6 m depth. The following summer, ITP79 was completely recovered in the Beaufort Sea from the CCGS Louis S St. Laurent during the JOIS 2014 cruise.

Deployed ITP79 system behind John Kemp and the Borek Twin Otter aircraft. (Photo by Peter Koski).
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